The First 10 Days
First 10 Days
During the first days at home with your baby, some things will come very naturally, others may not. To help you get off to a good start, we created this quick guide for navigating the baby basics.
Your newborn may feel fragile and delicate to you, but don’t be afraid to touch, handle, or hold your new baby.
Because your newborn’s neck muscles are not yet developed, you will need to support your newborn’s head whenever you pick them up. You should also support your newborn’s head against your shoulder or with your opposite hand, while carrying them.
Some health care visitors recommend cleaning your baby with a sponge bath until the umbilical cord heals and falls off (usually in a week or two).
Some cultures prefer to delay bathing until the umbilical cord has fallen off but there is no evidence showing that this practice prevents umbilical infection or alters healing time
Make sure you have all of the necessary bathing supplies ready before your baby arrives.
The main things are:
- A baby bath (or you can use the sink) as a normal bath is too big and difficult to support a baby in.
- A water thermometer to make sure the water is the right temperature.
- A suitable baby wash product.
- A sponge or soft flannel.
- For newborns cotton wool to clean the face and eyes with.
- Warm towels.
- A plentiful supply of nappies.
How to Choose Products for Your Newborn
An ideal baby product should not irritate your baby’s skin or eyes, dry out your baby’s skin or disrupt the skin’s natural pH. Importantly, it should be effectively preserved to help maintain the quality of the product during normal use.
The safety of baby care products and their ingredients are a priority for parents, and it’s also a priority for JOHNSON’S®.
Nappy Change
Many first-time parents are surprised by how many nappies they go through in a day. To make life easier for yourself, have plenty of nappies on hand before you bring your baby home. It’s also helpful to learn how to change your baby’s nappy ahead of time.
To comfort your baby, first try to determine the cause of your baby’s discomfort. Is your baby hungry? Does your baby have wind? Does your baby’s nappy need changing? Is it time for a nap? Is your baby overstimulated by noise, lights or activity?
To help soothe a sleepy or overstimulated baby, hold your baby on your shoulder while gently rocking them. Sing or speak softly to your baby — reassure them with a calm voice. It can also help to rub your baby’s back as you do so. Try different positions to find one that’s comfortable for both of you.
Something else to consider: Your baby doesn’t have much mobility in the first few weeks and may cry for help if they are lying uncomfortably in the cot. You can help your baby get comfortable by gently shifting your baby’s position. But for safety, always place your baby on their back for sleeping.
Baby Massage
Research has shown that massage can relax babies, improve their sleep patterns, and calm them when they are irritable. Giving your baby a massage is also a great way to bond with your baby, and it’s easy to do.
Many healthcare professionals agree that nothing is better for your newborn baby than breast milk. Nutritionally speaking, it’s tailor-made for your infant. Of course, sometimes mothers cannot breastfeed, due to medical problems or other special circumstances. Discuss with your health care professional how best to feed your newborn
No matter how you decide to feed your baby, always make sure you hold your baby while feeding. The cuddling that comes with nursing and feeding helps to build a strong, loving bond between you and your baby.
The way your baby sleeps changes as they grow. Newborns sleep a lot throughout the 24-hour day, waking up frequently throughout both day and night. Even so, you can still begin to develop a bedtime routine for your baby, even as early as 6 to 8 weeks. And as your baby develops and starts to consolidate their sleep into night-time sleep with fewer daytime naps, you can help them gradually develop a sleeping pattern, learning that night-time is for sleep, and not play.
Learn more about helping your baby sleep better with the JOHNSON’S® 3-Step Routine.
JOHNSON'S® Pioneering Safety and Science in Baby Care
We are committed to working with Parents, Healthcare Professionals and Scientists to ensure our baby products continue to deliver high standards of safety and care.